Chairman of Camco Group Mr. Li Tie was invited to Participate in the Malawi Agricultural Production and Commercialization Conference 


From June 9th to 10th, 2022, the Malawi Agricultural Productivity and Commercialization Conference (MAPCC) was held at the Bingu International Conference Center in Lilongwe. The conference was organized by the National Planning Commission (NPC), the Ministry of Agriculture and the MwAPATA Institute of Malawi. The Malawi President His Excellency Dr. Lazarus Macarthy Chakwera and Minister of Agriculture Honourable Lobin Lowe MP attended the launch of meeting. Mr. Li Tie, Chairman of Camco Group, Mr. George Mulenga, Director of Human Resources and Administration, and Mr. Zuo Dawei, General Manager of Camco Equipment (Malawi)  Ltd. were invited to attend the meeting.

The theme of the conference was to promote the development of agricultural diversification and realize the Malawi Vision 2063. The meeting mainly discussed practical ways to promote agricultural transformation and upgrading in corroborating with Malawi Vision 2063, the development of agricultural production and commercialization is the first pillar in transforming Malawi into a prosperous middle-income country. Malawi President Dr. Chakwera said that “agriculture is the basic industry of the national economy, and it is still necessary to increase investment in the agricultural industry to support its development. The Malawi government is working on the MW2063 10-year Implementation Plan, which is committed to fostering real transformation in Agriculture sector. The development of agricultural production and commercialization is conducive to increasing the added value of agricultural products, promoting economic development, increasing employment opportunities, and ensuring food security.

Mr. Li Tie, Chairman of Camco Group, delivered a keynote speech. The speech mainly focused on promoting the development of agricultural production, improving the level of agricultural mechanization, and increasing the added value of agricultural products. Mr.Li Tie also gave suggestions and solutions for the Malawi government based on many years of experience and exploration in Africa.

During the meeting, Chairman Li Tie of Camco Group communicated with Hon.. Robin Lowe, Minister of Agriculture of Malawi and local agricultural development organizations, they had in-depth discussions on the development of agricultural mechanization and commercialization, and the Minister thought highly of Camco agricultural Equipment. Chairman Li Tie discussed cooperation with the leaders of the Malawi University of Science and Technology (MUST) .

President Chakwera visited the stand of Camco Equipment. Li Tie, Chairman of Camco Group, explained the advantages of Lovol tractors and other equipment. President Chakwera highly appreciates the contribution of Camco to the commercialization of agriculture in Malawi. Camco Equipment will provide local customers with more high-quality agricultural equipment, promote technological innovation in deep processing of agricultural products, and promote the development of agricultural mechanization and export trade in Malawi.

President Chakwera posted pictures of the visit to Camco Equipment on Facebook, and major media reported it, such as the Malawi Broadcasting Corporation (MBC) and the largest newspaper The Nation in Malawi.