
Eng Wesley Kaluba, Director responsible for Sales and Marketing Services at CAMCO EQUIPMENT Zambia Limited was on Saturday 13th April 2024 elected as President of the Engineering Institution of Zambia (EIZ) at the just-ended Annual General Meeting (AGM) for Engineering professionals, held in Livingstone, Zambia's tourist capital. The EIZ is a statutory professional body that registers and regulates engineering professionals, organizations, and units, students, universities, and technical colleges that seek to practice or teach engineering in Zambia. The Vision of EIZ is to be a world-class professional Institution that promotes best engineering practices and technological innovations.

Immediate Past President of EIZ Eng Abel Ng'andu (middle) handing over the instruments of power to President-Elect Eng Wesley Kaluba (right) with EIZ Registrar and CEO Eng David Kamungu (left)

Eng Kaluba who joined CAMCO in October 2021, shall also serve as Chairperson of the 62nd Engineering Council pursuant to the provisions of the EIZ Act No 17 of 2010. Among the statutory functions of the Engineering Council is to advise the Government on matters of Policy and National development across multiple engineering fields such as energy, mining, public infrastructure,  transport,  water and sanitation,  agriculture, and many more. He will still continue in his role at CAMCO as the EIZ role is only part-time and service to the nation.

CAMCO Management and staff wish Eng Kaluba all the success in his noble national duty at EIZ to promote the economic recovery of Zambia through engineering technology and innovation. His tenure is for two years, from 2024 to 2026.

CAMCO Marketing Director, Mr. Eng Wesley Kaluba

The inauguration of Eng Wesley Kaluba was attended by Eng Bernard Chiwala, who also has been serving as the Marketing Director at CAMCO EQUIPMENT Zambia Limited since 2019. CAMCO EQUIPMENT Zambia Limited is a subsidiary of CAMCO Group, dedicated to promoting mechanization in Zambia in agriculture, construction engineering mining, etc.. CAMCO EQUIPMENT Zambia Limited has been rooted in the Zambian market for 26 years, a number of Chinese brand equipments were first introduced on the Zambian market by CAMCO. The company strive to become a bridge linking Chinese equipment manufacturers and African customers, helping Chinese enterprises to "go global" and contributing to the economic development and poverty alleviation in Africa.